Have to go to school now. To the library, to the gym. Bluh. Ate actually factual junk last night, candy-blech! This week was a vacation in so many ways. A bad cold and a UTI made me an uncomfy pengi and kept me out of commission for a couple of days, but now I'm back in business. I think. Was just doing French, and last night did Arabic. Studying languages is so soothing. I love making vocabulary lists, writing things down, making note of grammatical constructions.
Eli's not up yet, but the Wumbus and I are having a lovely time together. I know it sounds kind of lame but the quality of my life has risen immensely since that little fur blob plopped into it. He and I get along very well, mainly, I think, because we have similar goals in life. To eat regular meals, sleep a lot and get as much yuv and snuggling as possible. And to exercise regularly so that we don't get fat. For the latter, though, my running and swimming cardio deathmarch might be slightly more effective than his toilet paper annihilation routine.
Have to go to school now. To the library, to the gym. Bluh. Ate actually factual junk last night, candy-blech! This week was a vacation in so many ways. A bad cold and a UTI made me an uncomfy pengi and kept me out of commission for a couple of days, but now I'm back in business. I think. Was just doing French, and last night did Arabic. Studying languages is so soothing. I love making vocabulary lists, writing things down, making note of grammatical constructions.
Eli's not up yet, but the Wumbus and I are having a lovely time together. I know it sounds kind of lame but the quality of my life has risen immensely since that little fur blob plopped into it. He and I get along very well, mainly, I think, because we have similar goals in life. To eat regular meals, sleep a lot and get as much yuv and snuggling as possible. And to exercise regularly so that we don't get fat. For the latter, though, my running and swimming cardio deathmarch might be slightly more effective than his toilet paper annihilation routine.

I guess I lucked out in one respect: she has virtually no interest in TP whatsoever. She does love climbing and scratching the big carpeted pole in my room, however.
iChat/AOL: sarumanmtl