Women's "Rights" in Saudi Arabia
How can they do this? IT'S UNISLAMIC. Trust me! I know, I've studied.
Jesus Christ. Read this. It's sickening. Forget Iraq, Saudi Arabia is the one place where the US could "bring democracy to the people" and they might actually want it. Let's go there and takeover their oil...
How can they do this? IT'S UNISLAMIC. Trust me! I know, I've studied.
Jesus Christ. Read this. It's sickening. Forget Iraq, Saudi Arabia is the one place where the US could "bring democracy to the people" and they might actually want it. Let's go there and takeover their oil...

We definitely have the ability to turn crop into fuel. But as always, the biggest obstacle involves money. Both the up-front expense of such a conversion, and the resistance by those who would stand to lose out if that ever occured. And the latter has such powerful friends.
It's an albino Californian King snake. The pink will eventually turn to white as she grows up. She's only 3 months old.
Example of an adult albino snake:
She doesn't bite, she's always sweet and gentle.