Working on the Pakistan part of my paper. Bluh. In terms of family planning, Pakistan's the crapper...I don't know about anything else. Girls who go to Pakistan always come back with the nicest scarves. Ach, I'm rambling. It has recently come to my attention that Valentine's Day is fast approaching, and that, alas, je suis toute seule encore. I don't need a man. I want one. I want to give someone small kisses and shred the clothes off him and receive area-lickage. And cook him dinner. Men usually eat alot, which has the dual function of making me feel good about my cooking, and ensuring that there aren't alot of leftovers. My hand has a permanent cramp in it and vibrators freak me out. Might I also mention that the most intiment contact I've had with any man recently was when a hairy guy in a speedo kicked me in the arm while I was doing laps at the pool. I don't care about Valentine's Day, I see it as an oppurtunity to make arts and crafts, and to tape paper hearts on the cat, but if anyone wants to hang out on Valentine's Day, or any day, he or she is more than welcome to join Seargeant Andra's lonely boner's club.
Love you Pingi...
reallly interesting.
Heck yeah maybee you should do the naked thing on the net, looking at the pics Eli posted of you and her at the bar; your pretty gosh darn hot.
But hey your journal is plenty entertaining as is; well except for the hairy dude in speedo visual, shit wait a minute wasn't that me?
Your friendly neighborhood teddykev