J'ai oubli de vous dire que j'ai du rendre une visite d'urgence au dentiste lundi. This was every bit as fun as it sounds. Now, it hurts like a son of a beach every time I bite on that area of my mouth. I'm not a biter, don't panic, but damn! Ouchies! I hate going to the dentist. I hate the fact that dentist goes from being a charming Lebanese man to a mad scientist when the chair tilts. God, there are a plethora of hot men in Foufs! I need to take a friggin' shower and go to sleep so I can get my five hours and then go to Arabic. Thank God (Alhumdullilah) that I did (most of) my homework. I have to get back into the school rhythm. That's really all it is for me, a rhythm. I'm lonely. Don't get me wrong, I don't feel (and never have felt) that I need a man. What I NEED is around 1500 calories a day and some form of shelter. It would just be nice. I'm pretty comfortable with things lately, and am almost always in a decent, giving mood, and I feel it would be nice to share this with someone. I guess. How sappy does this sound? Ah, damn those 2 gin and tonics straight to hell....
Feel free to contact me for more Hallmark moments.
Eli rules. Mullah Omar and Darryl Strawberry do not.
That is all.
Feel free to contact me for more Hallmark moments.
Eli rules. Mullah Omar and Darryl Strawberry do not.
That is all.

ma chre, tu es sur mes "bookmarks" car je ris chaque fois que je lis tes postes. Trouve toi un "booty call buddy", a change le mal de place.
Si tu veux une sortie cool, vendredi le 28 jan et samedi, mes amis vont jouer un gig la salle O Patro Vys, en haut du Billykun, sur Montroyal.
On est de Acadiens, pis si tu veux gouter toute un autre ct de la culture franco-canadienne, tu devrais check a out. Si seulement pour entendre notre freaky accent pis sens d'humoure tout--fait diffrente des Qubcois (qui ont quand mme un pas bad sens d'humour) Warning, la musique est du genre de miles davis meets medeski martin and wood genre jazz et non pas de la musique traditionnel.
Pis who knows, ya beaucoup d'Acadiens ex-pats Montral, so peut tre que je pourrais te prsent un cute Acadien. Moi, je vis en Acadie, so no worries about me hitting on ya. But for a fellow SG member, I'd be happy to help ya meet and greet.Mes amis Montral sont toutes pas mal cool pis super easygoin'; c'est dans notre DNA d'tre easygoing.
example of Acadian humor: Why do Acadian men make better lovers? 'Cause they don't have a job to wake up for in the morning. (unemployment is pretty rampant here in the Ireland of the francophone world.)
But yeah, you're a witty, cute and cultured person. I'm sure you could find a "bed warmer" if you really tried. Montral is a really randy city.
My sister's husband and family have the real roots there. In fact, her husband's family is relatively well known from what I can tell. Myself, I'm thinking about buying a house or condo soon, but I'm going to start my search in an area that is more accessable to my current profession.
I need to see a dentist also. Lost a filling recently. I have health insurance but it doesn't include dental. Looks like it'll be an out-of-pocket expense. Doh!