They kept us there for so damn long that I missed my connection bus in Albany to Utica, thus forcing my mother to give up an hour and a half of her life that she can never get back driving out there to get me! It makes me feel sick when I drive across the US border, and thankful that I'm back on the legal track to permanent residency in Qubec. And speaking of Qubec, (I become Martin briefly) you know what I hate? I hate the fact that they make such a damnable big deal about the French (totally understandable, and I think, commendable)and yet if they hear you with an accent in French, they disdainfully switch to English. Look,asshats, I've spent a considerable chunk of time and money learning French, give me some credit. Mine is not the worst accent you've ever heard, and you effing know it! I don't even sound especially American when I speak in English. Plus there's the fact that I'm a hell of lot more educated and well-travelled than most of the people that I've met in Qubec, and when they find out I'm American, I stop being a beautiful thin educated girl who speaks adorable French to being a fat dumbfuck hick who knows nothing. So Please, Qubecois, je vous prie de m'accepter.
Our dog is still shiny and black and constantly in need of attention. Her ears are as soft as those of the Wumbus. I will take pictures and post them, if people would like.
Seeing my parents was great. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to hug them. My parents and I played rummy last night. Apparently, every night they have their wine and play rummy, and share insults such as,"Dammit Bill, you ice-prick." It's really cute.
Our dog is still shiny and black and constantly in need of attention. Her ears are as soft as those of the Wumbus. I will take pictures and post them, if people would like.
Seeing my parents was great. I'd forgotten how much fun it was to hug them. My parents and I played rummy last night. Apparently, every night they have their wine and play rummy, and share insults such as,"Dammit Bill, you ice-prick." It's really cute.
Je hais les critiques non fondes et gnralises... et en passant, l'ducation et l'intelligence ne sont pas preuve de civisme... vous venez malheureusement d'en faire la preuve... a serait trop facile de faire le procs des amricains, des musulmans ou mme des acadiens... Mais tant que je ne serai pas natif moi mme de une de ces cultures, je vais m'abstenir, puisque ce site n'est PAS la place pour a...
Joyeux Noel quand mme...