BTW, I have another journal that I write, and in which I am a lot more, I don't know, deep. (My God, what I wouldn't do for some deep....but I digress) I'll give you all the link for itLiveJournal
I'm really sick of everything right now. I feel like if I punched someone really hard I'd feel better. I don't know. People suck.

I really love ya~
my new plan is to go move home in june work all summer and then go to europe, first london and then around the west, and finaly one day back in montreal after the winter.
Now that I know that I will lose my job on december 17th, I will try to plan a trip to MTL before Christmas... It is not a promess, but I'll try... Maybe we can go take a beer with Eli
Well, take care of yourself... you are a very nice girl, funny and intelligent, so go wild and take a huge bite into life !
Fait attention a toi et j'espre que ce petit mot te fera sentir un peu mieux !!