When everyone leaves the library to go pray juma'a and I'm left there by myself it's very weird. Maybe I started studying religions because I like being the outsider. I'd never been "in" anything, and I guess I felt no need to start at university. I liked to look for patterns.There's something appealing about having all the rules laid out for you, but then there's the overpowering feeling of being trapped, and being trapped by things that aren't tangible is the worst way to be trapped. This is getting a little deep for SG, isn't it? Suffice it to say that having few friends and little interest in your schoolwork makes for a lot of enculer des mouches. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just feeling introspective, and I have a trip to Toronto to see Stevos and the Gurv to look forward to. Weeners, weeners!
More Blogs
Wednesday Mar 16, 2005
A small squib is sleeping soundly on my desk. Guh. -
Tuesday Mar 15, 2005
I had dinner with an American war-resister tonight. He was so sweet. … -
Monday Mar 14, 2005
Ice ice wumbus. Who wants small kisses? Who wants to see my breasts? -
Thursday Mar 10, 2005
The tiny kitty (now lying on my bed and being the single cutest thing… -
Sunday Mar 06, 2005
Today was nice and peaceful. God willing, things will stay that way. … -
Sunday Mar 06, 2005
YUV YUV YUV!!! But where, pray tell, are all the men??? -
Friday Mar 04, 2005
I made my pitch for the tiny kitty. I'll keep you posted. Dude, I hav… -
Thursday Mar 03, 2005
OOoooooh Tiny kitty. I hope that the Wumbus isn't jealous. I yuv him … -
Tuesday Mar 01, 2005
Ok, we got us a situation. The other day I was making dinner and all … -
Sunday Feb 27, 2005
Dear Lord, I'm randy. The situation's clitical. I mean, critical. Gar…