When everyone leaves the library to go pray juma'a and I'm left there by myself it's very weird. Maybe I started studying religions because I like being the outsider. I'd never been "in" anything, and I guess I felt no need to start at university. I liked to look for patterns.There's something appealing about having all the rules laid out for you, but then there's the overpowering feeling of being trapped, and being trapped by things that aren't tangible is the worst way to be trapped. This is getting a little deep for SG, isn't it? Suffice it to say that having few friends and little interest in your schoolwork makes for a lot of enculer des mouches. I'm not feeling sorry for myself, just feeling introspective, and I have a trip to Toronto to see Stevos and the Gurv to look forward to. Weeners, weeners!
More Blogs
Wednesday Jan 12, 2005
Coming home to the wonderful rumbling Wumb makes everything better. I… -
Tuesday Jan 11, 2005
Going to do South Beach again for a week. Felt so good to do it this … -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
I read from my book, Jonathon Strange and Mr Norrell. Excellent. Took… -
Monday Jan 10, 2005
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Sunday Jan 09, 2005
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Friday Dec 31, 2004
It is nice to be back in Montral. I hope I can have a drink with Eli … -
Wednesday Dec 29, 2004
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Monday Dec 27, 2004
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Sunday Dec 26, 2004
Ok, so I offended people with my last post. Je m'excuse. I'm s…