I'd rather be a pingouin than a seal, yes I would, if I only could, I surely would...
Today at school was alright, some of the other kids were nice to me. Still wish they weren't so fickle and nerve-wracking though. I'm always afraid that something that I say is going to upset someone. I mean, I'm fairly disgusting, so it very well might, but I tone it down a lot for school. Well, for these people. Today as I was sitting down in my seat, I knocked someone's books off her desk with my ass. I said that I was sorry, and that my ass had expansionist tendencies and was often guilty of ass imperialism.
I want the refund for my cancelled work permit request to come back! I want my study permit. I want a baby pengi! I'm going to make chicken korma tonight. I read the ingredients off of a can of chicken korma. I hope that's sufficient advice.

Today at school was alright, some of the other kids were nice to me. Still wish they weren't so fickle and nerve-wracking though. I'm always afraid that something that I say is going to upset someone. I mean, I'm fairly disgusting, so it very well might, but I tone it down a lot for school. Well, for these people. Today as I was sitting down in my seat, I knocked someone's books off her desk with my ass. I said that I was sorry, and that my ass had expansionist tendencies and was often guilty of ass imperialism.
I want the refund for my cancelled work permit request to come back! I want my study permit. I want a baby pengi! I'm going to make chicken korma tonight. I read the ingredients off of a can of chicken korma. I hope that's sufficient advice.