The kitten is back to purring. Hurrah! His purring makes EVERYTHING a litte bit better. I went to a Halloween party tonight. I dressed up as a gypsie (gitane). I looked hot. Some hot guy (in a cowboy hat!!!
) kept staring at me, and we flirted, and then he left. He was a francofreak and hot.
But then he left
. Dammit. J'ai besoin de sex, et aussi d'un homme francophone
pour faire des choses sur quoi je ne peux parler. Why didn't he ask for my number? He asked how old I am! Is it my fault I'm 22 and from the US? No! It's not. Goddammit, francomen! I'm here! Ask me out! Hell, ask me to make out.....

Ne t'en fait pas... les qubcois, franais, ne sont pas tous froids... tu n'as qu' me faire signe si tu veux une preuve...
If you wanna talk live, i'll give you my MSN nick name: Write me at and you will have it !! who knows, maybe I'll be the one making every of you desires come true
See you... Passe une belle semaine !
Dans le fond faison simple, msn: