Hi all, I'm new. I'm an American desperately trying to become Canadian.
I live in Montral, where I did my undergraduate degree in religious studies and hispanic literature, and where I recently dropped out of a Master's program in Islamic Studies. I'm currently in the process of getting a work permit/permanent residency and it makes me nervous. Other than, I am very well. Eli is my roomate. I hope she doesn't mind me saying this. Truth be told, she is so hot she makes my insides squirm. She doesn't like it when I mention this around the house (I guess she must get sick of hearing it ALL the time) so I thought that I'd mention it in front of God and all the Suicide girls. I've recently discovered the joys of making online friends, so please, be mine?
I'm not that big a fan, but it works pretty well for a lot of things.