Day 6, evening, Letterkenny: 1st half of Altan concert was brilliant, as expected!
By then, though, I could hardly keep my eyes open, I was so tired, so I grabbed a cab back to the hotel and fell right into bed.
Day 7, Letterkenny: Weather has cleared up, for the first really nice day so far this trip. Crowds in streets, music in the air!
Went to watch the under-12 fiddle competitions, because my old band-mate Liam had helped to coach one of the girls who was playing. Then went and listened to the over-18 lilters. Think I shall enter the lilting event the next time I compete. As a melody-player and a singer, I should have an edge.
Wandered the streets and pubs in the evening, looking for a sessiun to join. Pubs too noisy. Finally joined some lads from County Tyrone singing and playing pub songs in the street. The craic was indeed ninety!
After that, went back to the bar at the hotel to drink, relax, and listen to the other musicians. Met a nice, drop-dead-gorgeous woman
(married, alas), and her husband, and her brothers, and her mum and dad and grand-dad. Very decent people.
Chatted with them in between the songs and tunes. Dad bought me a drink (good cess to him!).
Popped upstairs and went to sleep smiling.
Day 8, Letterkenny: Competition day for me. Took 3rd place playing hammered dulcimer (in miscellaneous instruments category) !!!
OTOH, played mandolin in a thoroughly ordinary and unspectacular fashion, in comparison to some of the other competitors. That was expected, so not a worry, really. In evening, joined a sessiun with one of the judges for the mandolin competition. He gave me some good pointers on things I had been doing wrong, and how to fix them. After listening to him play my mandolin, left it in its case, and played bodhran. Must have managed that capably enough (much easier said than done, in a sessiun of this caliber), since the other players didn't threaten to lynch me.
Day 9, Letterkenny: Had met up by half-chance with several other people from Reno
, so we spent today on a day-trip over into Northern Ireland. Visited Downhill and Mussenden Temple, Gortmore, and Giant's Causeway. Had dinner in a lovely little hotel we chanced upon on the road between Coleraine and Derry. Back in Letterkenny, I looked around for a good sessiun to listen to. Left instruments up in hotel room since I had in mind just relaxing. Finally found a mighty, mighty sessiun in a pub which had been recommended to me. A top fiddle-player leading tunes; a brilliant trad story-teller from Clare doing hilarious songs and spoken-word stuff; a first-rate ballad singer I'd also heard last year; along with many others. A couple of other fellows had done some trad songs, so I pulled up my pluck and sang I am stretched on your grave, a trad love dirge.
(Professional driver. Closed track. Do not attempt at home!
) Unfortunately, sessiun wound down too soon because pub owner is a fecking idjit (and worse things) and shut down at "normal" closing time. Still, went to sleep laughing madly.
Day 10, Letterkenny/Sligo: Breakfasted. Took last wander through Letterkenny. Then caught cab to bus station and bus back to Sligo. Will be here three days. Trad music night seems to be Thursday, so we'll see what happens then.

Day 7, Letterkenny: Weather has cleared up, for the first really nice day so far this trip. Crowds in streets, music in the air!

Day 8, Letterkenny: Competition day for me. Took 3rd place playing hammered dulcimer (in miscellaneous instruments category) !!!

Day 9, Letterkenny: Had met up by half-chance with several other people from Reno

Day 10, Letterkenny/Sligo: Breakfasted. Took last wander through Letterkenny. Then caught cab to bus station and bus back to Sligo. Will be here three days. Trad music night seems to be Thursday, so we'll see what happens then.
Put the bodrahn down and pratice what you have been tought
See you soon enough and the first pint or two (alright pint and a Red Breast) are mine in celebration of you momentous feat.
I'm talking with Sadra and I am sure that had I had teh opportunity to mention she would send her congratulations along as well.