So, having had a week to recover from that last humongously whomping big sunnavabitch of a storm, things are beginning to trend back towards normal. Not there yet, but on the way.
This past Friday my Irish band, Crannog Bheag, played at Walden's Coffeehouse. Not just my band, Kevin and Nora's too, but you know what I meant! Dare I say we kicked butt? Alright, we kicked butt.
You can ask muirtach what he thinks, since he was there.
This week "my" Middle-Eastern band, Slow Djinn Fez, starts practicing again. An ex-girlfriend and her husband recently gave me transcriptions of several pieces in 10/8 jurjina ("chaos") rhythm, and I'm eager to try them out. Can you guess why?
This past Friday my Irish band, Crannog Bheag, played at Walden's Coffeehouse. Not just my band, Kevin and Nora's too, but you know what I meant! Dare I say we kicked butt? Alright, we kicked butt.

This week "my" Middle-Eastern band, Slow Djinn Fez, starts practicing again. An ex-girlfriend and her husband recently gave me transcriptions of several pieces in 10/8 jurjina ("chaos") rhythm, and I'm eager to try them out. Can you guess why?

Yay for kicking butt!
What, not "The Body Of An American" or "If I Should Fall From Grace With God"?