Spent the weekend doing Zen.
Then jammed an a holiday party on Sunday afternoon.
Yesterday was my birthday. Went out for a couple of pints at the Zephyr, meeting muirtach and TeenageJesus there, along with a couple other friends. It's funny, but the Zephyr pours the best damn Guinness in town --- much better than our local "Irish" bars.
Today, however, had a nine-and-a-half hour meeting at work with a customer. It went fairly well, but who wants to spend nine-and-a-half hours cooped up in a meeting?
But, as a consequence, tomorrow I get out early!

Yesterday was my birthday. Went out for a couple of pints at the Zephyr, meeting muirtach and TeenageJesus there, along with a couple other friends. It's funny, but the Zephyr pours the best damn Guinness in town --- much better than our local "Irish" bars.

Today, however, had a nine-and-a-half hour meeting at work with a customer. It went fairly well, but who wants to spend nine-and-a-half hours cooped up in a meeting?

oh, and welcome to sgreno.