If there's some roadkills...you bet the road is not safe anymore
I'm kind of running short of ideas lately.
Like always, I'm tired of my job after a year and half but now I'm sort of depending on the cash to pay my crazy expensive rant + my expense. Living in the portugese part of the Plateau is cool, but it comes pricy.
So, that station in my life makes me wonder, at 23 if I can't get my mind fixed on something, will I keep on doing this all the way through 30?
If so, will I find any comfort anywhere else than laying next to a girl?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that very much but right now I'm kind of 'taking a break of that' and I feel deeply empty.
And that pisses me off...
And that makes me feel more empty.
So, where's the catch? At the Drive-In sang about some Patterns against user a while back and I'm starting to get the whole point. I seeked validation through sex since I'm 18 and now it's firing back.
All abord, please, that mission sucks...
Nevertheless, cheers y'all...
I'm kind of running short of ideas lately.
Like always, I'm tired of my job after a year and half but now I'm sort of depending on the cash to pay my crazy expensive rant + my expense. Living in the portugese part of the Plateau is cool, but it comes pricy.
So, that station in my life makes me wonder, at 23 if I can't get my mind fixed on something, will I keep on doing this all the way through 30?
If so, will I find any comfort anywhere else than laying next to a girl?
Don't get me wrong, I enjoy that very much but right now I'm kind of 'taking a break of that' and I feel deeply empty.
And that pisses me off...
And that makes me feel more empty.
So, where's the catch? At the Drive-In sang about some Patterns against user a while back and I'm starting to get the whole point. I seeked validation through sex since I'm 18 and now it's firing back.
All abord, please, that mission sucks...
Nevertheless, cheers y'all...
Srieusement, dernirement j'ai du faire le deuil de ce que je pensais que ma vie serait 25 ans. La vrit c'est que 25 ans c'est funking jeune. Alors 23 aussi. Quand j'avais 10 ans et que je m'immaginais 25 ans je me voyais mari, avec une job, une maison, un enfant sur le chemin, etc. Vrit: Clibataire endurcie, encore aux tudes, endett, et pas d'enfant avant mes 30 ans s.v.p. (no funkcing way). Oui la plus part de mes amis se sont installer, commence avoir des enfants, s'achte une maison... Mais je changerais pas ma vie pour leur train train quotidien qui m'ennuie solidement. Je pense que je vais devenir une vieille femme snile avac mes 80 chats.
Anyway, have fun and the rest will come when it will... and that usually means when you'll be ready for it.
Sur ces pens je retourne ma vie folle. Je dois signer un contrat de bire pour pouvoir entertainer 12 facult de gnie durant une nuit magique dans le fin fond de Drommonville
Pour ce qui d'tre la reine de la bire a Drummondville... Je suis juste la princesse... La reine c'est Jacinthe... et a fonctionn. Y'a rien de mieux que deux belles jeunes filles pour dealer la bire