So two years in the waiting and Maynard is sick for the TOOL show. I'll give him credit you could tell he wasnt feeling it but still came out and rocked it. Coulda been better but felt good to see them. By the way i type faster than my brain deals with grammar, so deal with it.

school.... yuck only 2 weeks in and im...
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Thanks for your care...we love and mourn that person we lost..it's amazing you care....it means a lot to me.
Weeeee, I'm baaaaaack.

Well, thats my blog. peace for now peace for later
What the fuck is a blog anyway? Shmer, dunno why i bother. Anyway Ive been away from my PC working out of town so far most of this summer. Just got back and hopefully will have more time around SG.
I went all thru april fools hoping someone would make an ass of me. I didnt have a single pranked pulled all day... What the hell is that? That is surely the most under rated holiday ever. Like the holiday of amnesty... Anyway I was disappointed to say the least.

Nada new hear, finally putting some damn effort into my classes and i suppose its...
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for fucks sake, why did my teachers never warm me that learning sucks? Mid terms coming up and i havent done shit yet. Oh well.

St. Patricks Day...
Walking home with a friend (who has a pair of tits) some pig threw me up against his cruiser for being "lippy" uh huh. Cuffed me and told me if i didnt submit to his PBT...
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Isn't that below the legal limit?

I hate cops more than anyone I've ever met. mad
Hey whats up to any browsers which this way have wandered. Just hit town here, love to meet some friends from the MSP St. Paul area. peace jove joy
Hello there