Okay..okay.. @rambo @missy @lyxzen I promise..next blog post will be @bloghomework .
It's been just about two weeks abroad and we have scoured much of Ireland..Not too many shoots on this first round of travel but did have the opportunity to shoot a set with the super gorgeous and absolutely delightful @einin (if you're at all curious..it's pronounced A-Neen) while down in Eastern Cork..We really had such a blast shooting and hopefully will get to one more time in Dublin before I head back to the states.
I'll admit the rest of the time, although the sites were rather breathtaking driving the Irish roads is a bit of an experience and somehow two hours of a drive easily felt like five or six..Regardless, aside from the different ways of living (lack of dryers, learning to drive on the left) it's an absolutely beautiful country and I'm looking forward to coming back through at the end of this journey..
Monday I head down to London where I'll be calling it home for about two weeks..I will be shooting sets during my stint in town starting Tuesday with the lovely @lorii I'm sooo excited to finally shoot with her and then follow up on the next my own set with the fore mentioned @core I am super psyched to finally get there and shoot with these two gorgeous ladies..and I think the shoot location is pretty stellar as well..