It's taken some time to finally get a chance to sit down and list out my hopes before its time for me to take that escalator up to the sky.. So without further ado @rambo @missy @lyxzen my bucket list..
This is a popular it should be..there are some amazingly spectacular places all over the many interesting cultures and people to interact with..not to mention photograph 📷 Iceland is way up there on my list along with returning to France..I mention these first because they seem somewhat realistic..once they're crossed, I'll just add a couple more..I do like @slinky pick as LOVE to spend some quality time in Middle Earth..
Work with Annie Leibovitz
However long I can remember,she has been such a huge influence for me as an artist and as a photographer..I think it would be amazing to get an opportunity to witness the process of how she construct such elaborate visual stories, from the simplest portraits..At this point in both of our careers..I don't think it's possible but one can still hope..
Write/Direct a Children's Musical
This is a fairly recent addition..As a painter, I've always wanted to tell stories through my work and a lot of times would write my own stories to create my art from, putting in all this production and work for in the end would be just a two-dimensional image that would hopefully transport my viewers into an alter reality and leave them in an emotive state like they had just finished a really great film or play..In the last couple years while in search for the next great read for my ten year old daughter..I came across The Wildwood Chronicles having worked in the music industry for a number of years I was very familiar with its writer, Colin Meloy of The Decemberists but wasn't sure how his music writing skills would translate into not one but a trilogy of children's novels. I was blown away and quickly transported into this story and the adventures and obstacles Prie, the story's main character had to face..It was all so visually amazing and for the longest time I wasn't sure how I wanted to visually pay homage to this really great piece of writing..One day watching my daughter at a play rehearsal it dawned on me, how amazing would it be to turn this story into a children's musical and cast my daughter and kids within the community in these roles and collaborate with the local schools theater programs to put on a production, allowing the theater kids themselves help bring these characters to life and really showcase how wonderful of a story it is..Who knows if I'll ever sit down and start figuring out where to begin such a grand idea and how I would even fund something like that..For now it sits on my bucket list..
I'm so much of a dreamer I could honestly go on and on..imagining up listing out items to add to this list..I'm gonna end on one I think may still have some reality to it (fingers crossed) I don't think it breaks any rules of solicitation..hah but I would love at some point to get shoot sets with @rambo @bully and @chad My first introduction to Suicide Girls was years and years ago through a friend @dot 😢 I remember Suicide girls at the time who stuck in my mind were Rambo and Bully..I think it'd be pretty awesome after all these years to get that opportunity..When I was reintroduced to Suicide Girls Chad was one of the girls in the documentary that stuck out to me as someone I'd love to shoot..In the meantime I will keep paving my way towards achieving the goal of becoming a staffer and see where that takes me..hopefully towards crossing this last item on my list..
That said..ill be in the Los Angeles area on February 3-10 any SGs or hopefuls in the area wanna meet up, grab a coffee or shoot a set..please hit me up..would love to meet you and make best of my time in town..