Thank you to everyone for trying to get me happy.
I am just really really unhappy here. I swear to god the people are so fuckin rude here. My neighbors hate us cause they are a higher rank than us
I got yelled at when I dropped Shaolin off at school for dropping her off in the wrong place
One of the girls I have been friends with her husband was killed in Iraq over the weekend. So that has me freaked out. And now I have to go to a meeting for the spouses of Jay's unit and I don't want to go cause I swear I will fuckin snap if one person is fuckin rude to me. Its been so rainy and cold too. Someone please come take me away!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol. The one good thing is I have Jay here with me and I know I have him for 2 years before I have to deal with deployment. Even though we have been arguing alot lately, he is the only thing keeping me happy here. I am tired of fighting with him though, its just cause we are both stressed, but still I hate it.
I have heard from many people that the people are nice in the I guess I have to wait until summer
On a happy note: Income tax return time is close and I am getting new hair and takin my ass shoppin!
Oh AND its not WA I hate, its Ft.Lewis!!
I am just really really unhappy here. I swear to god the people are so fuckin rude here. My neighbors hate us cause they are a higher rank than us

I have heard from many people that the people are nice in the I guess I have to wait until summer

On a happy note: Income tax return time is close and I am getting new hair and takin my ass shoppin!
Oh AND its not WA I hate, its Ft.Lewis!!

Why don't you come hang out with SGSeattle sometime? It's not that far. I'm in the Navy, and my dad was once in the army and stationed at Fort Lewis, as a matter of fact. I understand the awkwardness of living on base and that kinda stuff.
Just a quick hello
I hope all's well with you