Strip Clubs and bars
Shopping for panties
Almost got in a fight
Met a girl that has cute hair
Getting my hair cut on tuesday
Bought some books for Jaybaby
Talked to Jaybaby alot!
Finally got my cheesecake I wanted
Messed with car a little
Need sleep!
that pretty much says it all about my weekend
Oh yeah and I added phone cam pics!
Shopping for panties
Almost got in a fight
Met a girl that has cute hair
Getting my hair cut on tuesday
Bought some books for Jaybaby
Talked to Jaybaby alot!
Finally got my cheesecake I wanted
Messed with car a little
Need sleep!
that pretty much says it all about my weekend
Oh yeah and I added phone cam pics!
...didnt you say you were moving here?
I'm making a cheesecake tonight. Yummy! Chocolate swirl.