Well just got back from the emergency room. Shaolin ( my daughter ) was outside playing when a cement bird bath fell on her. She had to get 3 staples in her head. And we have to watch her closely for the next 24hrs and try to keep her up, to make sure she is okay. Needless to say it freaked me out, I picked her up when it happened and brought her in the house, when I put her down I noticed blood all over my arm, thats when I looked at the back of her head and saw more blood, after cleaning it off we realized that she had a gash in her head. When we got to the hospital, she told them she didn't want a shot, so they put the staples in with no numbing, and she didn't even scream, she just cried a little and kept saying ouch. But she is doing okay now, so I guess I will be up all night watching her. I just felt so sorry for her, but she was good to go when the nurse gave her some ice cream and a teddy bear for being so brave.
Damn straight, i'm gonna have me some fun At Ozzfest. The last time i was there i nearly had to fight a whole group of rednecks when a now former friend of mine decided she wanted to strip to Zombie, i got set on fire, ran in to no less than 30 exs, nearly had a run in with the russian mob, and had an offer to go home with this chick who was exposing herself while the rest of the crowd was rioting. Much fun will be had by all.