DVR has to be the greatest invention of the last 10 years. Because without it, I would have to watch all of the commercials that are basically calling me a fucking idiot. When did it become so hard to peel a hard boiled egg? Are people dying in freak egg shell accidents? Is that why "Eggies" was invented?
And have you seen the fucking guy who promises that you can build rock hard muscle on "The Rack"? Hey dipshit, youre working out on a fucking geriatric's walker! Were you taking care of Grandma when you had this moment of brilliance?
And "Pajama Jeans"! Are you fucking kiddding me? Go put some real pants on, you lazy bitch. Its like the woman who wears yoga pants everywhere she goes, but with less self esteem. I love that line in the commercial that says,"Real jeans leave marks on yourt skin". NOT IF YOU ARE WEARING THE RIGHT SIZE YOU SUPERFICIAL BITCH!!! STOP WORRRYING ABOUT WHAT THE ANOREXIC CHICK BEHIND THE COUNTER THINKS ABOUT YOU AND BUY THE RIGHT SIZE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CONVINCE OTHER PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE A SIZE 4 WHEN YOU ARE REALLY AN 8!!!!!
Ladies, I hate to keep picking on you, but most of these commercials seem to be aimed at you. Can you explain to me what is the fucking difference between the "ahh Bra" and a regular sports bra? It looks exactly the same. Probably feels exactly the same. So who slapped a new name on an old product and thought it was genius.
But just so Im not accused to only picking on the women. Guys, is anyone buying the "Men's Body Shaper". Its a girdle for dudes. I love the tag line,"Look 10 pounds thinner instantly". WOW, I feel like a fucking moron. I did it the hard way and just went out and lost 20 lbs. Who knew that I could've spent 20 bucks and bought a dude girdle.
And if I see anyone with a pair of HD sunglasses, Im going to punch them right in the face. THIS IS REAL LIFE YOU FUCK TARD. IT DOESN'T GET MORE HIGH DEFINITION THAN THIS!!! And I love how they come in "Aviator style". For all of you people who have fantasies about being Tom Cruise in Top Gun.......20 years after the movie was popular.
But my favorite of all times is the Criss Angel Mind Freak magic kit. "Now you too can be a douche just like Criss Angel himself". Now if the kit came with a bedazzled black button down shirt and a jar of Axe hair gel, that might actually be worth it. But the kit is full of things that will guarantee that you never get laid at a party. Nothing is more of a panty dropper than holding a woman hostage, by the deli tray, while you try and guess which card is hers. Wake up dumbshit, Chris Angel is trying to make sure that he is the only guy in the country getting laid.
DVR has to be the greatest invention of the last 10 years. Because without it, I would have to watch all of the commercials that are basically calling me a fucking idiot. When did it become so hard to peel a hard boiled egg? Are people dying in freak egg shell accidents? Is that why "Eggies" was invented?
And have you seen the fucking guy who promises that you can build rock hard muscle on "The Rack"? Hey dipshit, youre working out on a fucking geriatric's walker! Were you taking care of Grandma when you had this moment of brilliance?
And "Pajama Jeans"! Are you fucking kiddding me? Go put some real pants on, you lazy bitch. Its like the woman who wears yoga pants everywhere she goes, but with less self esteem. I love that line in the commercial that says,"Real jeans leave marks on yourt skin". NOT IF YOU ARE WEARING THE RIGHT SIZE YOU SUPERFICIAL BITCH!!! STOP WORRRYING ABOUT WHAT THE ANOREXIC CHICK BEHIND THE COUNTER THINKS ABOUT YOU AND BUY THE RIGHT SIZE INSTEAD OF TRYING TO CONVINCE OTHER PEOPLE THAT YOU ARE A SIZE 4 WHEN YOU ARE REALLY AN 8!!!!!
Ladies, I hate to keep picking on you, but most of these commercials seem to be aimed at you. Can you explain to me what is the fucking difference between the "ahh Bra" and a regular sports bra? It looks exactly the same. Probably feels exactly the same. So who slapped a new name on an old product and thought it was genius.
But just so Im not accused to only picking on the women. Guys, is anyone buying the "Men's Body Shaper". Its a girdle for dudes. I love the tag line,"Look 10 pounds thinner instantly". WOW, I feel like a fucking moron. I did it the hard way and just went out and lost 20 lbs. Who knew that I could've spent 20 bucks and bought a dude girdle.
And if I see anyone with a pair of HD sunglasses, Im going to punch them right in the face. THIS IS REAL LIFE YOU FUCK TARD. IT DOESN'T GET MORE HIGH DEFINITION THAN THIS!!! And I love how they come in "Aviator style". For all of you people who have fantasies about being Tom Cruise in Top Gun.......20 years after the movie was popular.
But my favorite of all times is the Criss Angel Mind Freak magic kit. "Now you too can be a douche just like Criss Angel himself". Now if the kit came with a bedazzled black button down shirt and a jar of Axe hair gel, that might actually be worth it. But the kit is full of things that will guarantee that you never get laid at a party. Nothing is more of a panty dropper than holding a woman hostage, by the deli tray, while you try and guess which card is hers. Wake up dumbshit, Chris Angel is trying to make sure that he is the only guy in the country getting laid.
LMFAO. Who is banging Chris Angel? seriously. I think the napkin thing that covers cleavage is my favorite. Why?????!!!!
Sports bras are not sexy dude....that's the difference. LOL.