Don't you have to achieve Grace before you can fall from it???
So today's headlines from the MSN website read, "Teen Mom star threatened to commit suicide". My first reaction was,"Let me know when she succeeds". So I read the story and it reported how Amber Portwood called police this morning and told them that she was going to kill herself. For those of you who dont know who this untalented bitch is, she is a nobody who got to be on TV because she is too fucking stupid to know how a condom works.
Why is this news? Who gives a shit if she offs herself? Now I hate to be the cold hearted prick here, but Im going to be. Why do I need to know that she threatened to commit suicide? What has she done to make me care if she lives or dies? Is she a family member or friend of mine? uh nope. Has her existence touched my life in anyway? uh uh. As a matter of fact, if I have to google your name to find out who the hell you are, Im not really going to give two shits if you commit suicide.
Dont get me wrong, When Richard Jeni commited suicide, I was saddend. Because Richard Jeni had made me laugh for the better part of 15 years. He was a talented Actor and Comedian, and to this day when I hear some of his old stand up material, I still thinks its some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. He is sorely missed.
When Kurt Cobain commited suicide, even though I wasnt the biggest Nirvana fan, I was saddened. Because Cobain was also very talented and he was the voice of a generation. Nirvana came out and changed the entire music scene. So when I found out that he had killed himself, I felt a sense of loss.
Back in 1993, I heard that Kerry Von Erich had commited suicide. Now I know there are a lot of people who dont know Kerry Von Erich, but all the real wresting fans know this name. I had been watching Kerry wrestle since the mid 80's, back in the Sportatorium in Dallas Texas. Kerry was one of the people that made me want to become a wrestler. So when I heard that he was dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. It broke my heart.
Who the fuck is Amber Portwood? And what would be the difference between her commiting suicide and my neighbor, who never comes out of his house, commiting suicide? If my neighbor commits suicide, does he get to be on the MSN website? I would think his life is just as meaningful as Amber Portwood. So why in the blue hell does she get national headlines? What has she done besides get knocked up at 19 and then put on TV because MTV has another idea for another piece of shit TV show that they can market to empty headed retards?
Amber Portwood isnt the problem, folks. She is a symptom of the problem. I have been saying this for years and Ill probably keep saying it until the day I die. We have lowered our standards, of what makes someone a celebrity, so low that a chick who gets knocked up in high school gets her own show. And please save your breath with all the, "Teen Mom shows young girls all of the consequences of unprotected sex" bullshit. Really?, then why was there a swarm of retarded teens trying to get pregnant when MTV announced that they were casting for the second season? Our standards of what a celebrity is are in the toilet. And now I have to pretend that some chick, who never deserved the the lime light and now threatening the kill herself, is actually important enough to be in the news. Again I say, tell me when she succeeds and let me know when someone talented leaves this world.
So today's headlines from the MSN website read, "Teen Mom star threatened to commit suicide". My first reaction was,"Let me know when she succeeds". So I read the story and it reported how Amber Portwood called police this morning and told them that she was going to kill herself. For those of you who dont know who this untalented bitch is, she is a nobody who got to be on TV because she is too fucking stupid to know how a condom works.
Why is this news? Who gives a shit if she offs herself? Now I hate to be the cold hearted prick here, but Im going to be. Why do I need to know that she threatened to commit suicide? What has she done to make me care if she lives or dies? Is she a family member or friend of mine? uh nope. Has her existence touched my life in anyway? uh uh. As a matter of fact, if I have to google your name to find out who the hell you are, Im not really going to give two shits if you commit suicide.
Dont get me wrong, When Richard Jeni commited suicide, I was saddend. Because Richard Jeni had made me laugh for the better part of 15 years. He was a talented Actor and Comedian, and to this day when I hear some of his old stand up material, I still thinks its some of the funniest stuff I have ever heard. He is sorely missed.
When Kurt Cobain commited suicide, even though I wasnt the biggest Nirvana fan, I was saddened. Because Cobain was also very talented and he was the voice of a generation. Nirvana came out and changed the entire music scene. So when I found out that he had killed himself, I felt a sense of loss.
Back in 1993, I heard that Kerry Von Erich had commited suicide. Now I know there are a lot of people who dont know Kerry Von Erich, but all the real wresting fans know this name. I had been watching Kerry wrestle since the mid 80's, back in the Sportatorium in Dallas Texas. Kerry was one of the people that made me want to become a wrestler. So when I heard that he was dead from a self inflicted gunshot wound. It broke my heart.
Who the fuck is Amber Portwood? And what would be the difference between her commiting suicide and my neighbor, who never comes out of his house, commiting suicide? If my neighbor commits suicide, does he get to be on the MSN website? I would think his life is just as meaningful as Amber Portwood. So why in the blue hell does she get national headlines? What has she done besides get knocked up at 19 and then put on TV because MTV has another idea for another piece of shit TV show that they can market to empty headed retards?
Amber Portwood isnt the problem, folks. She is a symptom of the problem. I have been saying this for years and Ill probably keep saying it until the day I die. We have lowered our standards, of what makes someone a celebrity, so low that a chick who gets knocked up in high school gets her own show. And please save your breath with all the, "Teen Mom shows young girls all of the consequences of unprotected sex" bullshit. Really?, then why was there a swarm of retarded teens trying to get pregnant when MTV announced that they were casting for the second season? Our standards of what a celebrity is are in the toilet. And now I have to pretend that some chick, who never deserved the the lime light and now threatening the kill herself, is actually important enough to be in the news. Again I say, tell me when she succeeds and let me know when someone talented leaves this world.