It's the anniversary of that day again. The day that I got yanked out of my middle school class and placed in a locked room with the principle of the school and two police officers becauseI allegedly talked to one of the killers over yahoo chat weeks before this happened. It's the day where my friends, probably most labeled"different" kids an I would feel even more discrimination than we ever had. Sadly this would continue for the rest of my years in school. It was also a sad day for Dylan and Eric. I have always felt they were really the sole starter victims of this. Do I agree with what they did? No, i think they could have been stronger like the rest of us who were teased/bullied and get through it. It is important for us parents to pay attention to our children to teach them everyday that we do not tease or bully anyone else. My parents always told me that I am no better than anyone else and everyone has a different home life or situation. If my parents would have even heard the slightest word that I teased someone you best believe I would have payed the price for that.
I was teased on an everyday basis when I was in middle school because back then dressing different wasn't the cool thing to do but i had my few piercings and wore my hair colors and fishnets boots etc. I couldn't walk anywhere without people barking at me because they called me a dog for wearing my spiked collar that I actually have worn in a lot of my sets. I got called a boy from all the girls because I wore jnco pants and skateboarded instead of wearing skirts and going to the mall. Luckily for me I was a fighter and just ended up getting suspended every month or so when I had to stick up for myself but some kids just take it and it stays inside them and builds up until thy feel like this is the only escape.
I think another important point is its not just the students. I was sent to In school suspension because a teacher swore I cast a spell on her class because everyone failed her math test. Sounds unbelievable doesn't it? Well it happened. It makes me sick now that I'm older to realize how these people treated me.
I hope Columbine continues to be a learning experience. RIP
Let me add in here when I refer to the real victims in the heading of this I am speaking of all children who are bullied/teased and all of us who had to be discriminated against just due to this not just this incident.