Well after taking 2o minutes of my day to get this page to actually load on my phone so here I will make sure that everyone understands I"d like to continue modeling yes, but doing more tattoo magazines, clothing lines etc. Other modeling. And I'd like to add that. Anyone who knows me knows that I am a good person and that I care about who I am with. And modeling on sg does not mean that you are degrading yourself. People loose site of how lucky they actually are.
it was still awesome to meet you that one time at evolved during hell city. i hope that we can meet up again soon.
tons of hugs and kisses
Point to a door, explain to them how to use it (they don't sound all that bright to me so you might have to explain twice) and put them out of your mind.
I think you're awesome, I think you'll be a great Mom and I think you should model as much as you want, where you want and when you want.