I'm going on vacati0n to fl s00n. Ill have a week 0ff w0rk. 0mg. I won't know what t0 d0 with myself. Brand0n is saving up all his m0ney s0 he can take me. Such a sweetheart. <3 I love my fucking bf to death
And I'm so happy our set went up!!! U guys loving it. L0l. I l0ve c0l0rful stuff
I g0t new tatt00s like 7 in the last month (small tatt00s). I w0uld p0st pictures but I'm 0n my ph0ne ill try t0 hook them to my faceb00k next week and post a link. I got a 6 tatt0ed on my wrist for my kitty sixx and my boyfriends name on my wrist and below my heartagram. And then I filled in my lower arm manson patch with a collage ofs0me of mansons tatt0s and I got a pikachu!!!! And am about to get mew and dolphins tatt0ed on me this m0nth
And I'm so happy our set went up!!! U guys loving it. L0l. I l0ve c0l0rful stuff

I g0t new tatt00s like 7 in the last month (small tatt00s). I w0uld p0st pictures but I'm 0n my ph0ne ill try t0 hook them to my faceb00k next week and post a link. I got a 6 tatt0ed on my wrist for my kitty sixx and my boyfriends name on my wrist and below my heartagram. And then I filled in my lower arm manson patch with a collage ofs0me of mansons tatt0s and I got a pikachu!!!! And am about to get mew and dolphins tatt0ed on me this m0nth

That was about the best thing i have ever seen. EVER!
I love your ink looking forward to seeing your new tattoos.