Lazy Lazy Day.
Been doing a lot of reading on poker today..
I have a home game tomorrow night that I'm oddly really nervous about.
It's only a $25 buy-in, but I know a lot of men who are going that love to push women around..
So I have to make sure I take their money.
I'm hoping to be able to tan tomorrow before the game,
it always calms me down.. and I'm in need of some colour for sure.
I'll be alone, at my mans grandparents dog sitting.. So I'll be able to tan nude in their backyard.
Thank god. Tan lines really bother me lol.
i'm thinking about getting my nipples pierced.
If I win this home game, I'm gonna use the earnings to get that done

you're going to kick their ass gorgeous
I agree with ArtfulOdin tell them what the money is for and they'll let you win. Or just smile at them a lot, use your beauty to your advantage.