I'm finally getting the tattoo that's on my chest/shoulder/back finished!
It's been over a year now and i finally have the money to finish it.
The appointment is Thursday at 1:30pm and i'll be sure to post pics when it's done.
One thing though, I'm totally scared.
I have no one to go with me..
It's my 6th time going under the needle and I'm still too much of a pussy to go alone.
I'm most likely going to end up going alone, and i'll just have to suck it up.
If anyone is in my area Thursday, wanna come with me and hold my hand?
If you click the "Model" button at the top of the SG page you can see an awesome contest going on.
I'm going to apply to it and hopefully get to the public voting page (fingers crossed)
it would honestly make my life to be on the cover of a real magazine.
I'm meeting with my photographer some time very soon, so even if nothing happens for me with this contest at least i'll have a set coming out soon.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone

I'm finally getting the tattoo that's on my chest/shoulder/back finished!
It's been over a year now and i finally have the money to finish it.
The appointment is Thursday at 1:30pm and i'll be sure to post pics when it's done.
One thing though, I'm totally scared.
I have no one to go with me..
It's my 6th time going under the needle and I'm still too much of a pussy to go alone.
I'm most likely going to end up going alone, and i'll just have to suck it up.
If anyone is in my area Thursday, wanna come with me and hold my hand?

If you click the "Model" button at the top of the SG page you can see an awesome contest going on.
I'm going to apply to it and hopefully get to the public voting page (fingers crossed)
it would honestly make my life to be on the cover of a real magazine.
I'm meeting with my photographer some time very soon, so even if nothing happens for me with this contest at least i'll have a set coming out soon.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend everyone

I don't blame you for being scared. Needles terrify me, which is one reason I've never gotten a tattoo. If you've been to see them that many times, I suspect you'll be just fine, and it'll be well worth it when you're done. Unfortunately I'm not local or else I'd offer to go with you. BUT I'll send good vibes and support your way
Good luck with the contest as well, yay!

I still hate getting tattooed and i used to get a bit worked up before the needle started. But i've got a lot better over time. Just relax as best you can, put some headphones on and listen to some sweet tunes.