Hey guys!
Since my last blog post was basically just naked pictures, I thought I'd do an update.
Al and I are still living together and moving into a new apartment in September.
I can't wait to get out of here.
This place is a shit hole and the landlord doesn't give a fuck about anything.
On Saturday Al's dad will be moving in until we move in Sept.
Him and his woman broke up and since all the furniture is hers, we figured we would open our place too him.
I'm pretty excited about it, him and I get along really well..
and hearing him and Al bicker back and forth is always amusing.
On another note,
I really really really need to buy an air conditioner.
Fuck is it ever hot in this place..
especially since we only have 1 fan.
If it wasn't for the people who live upstairs walking around outside all the time I would totally just strut naked around my place.. although I have a feeling not even that would cool me down.
Today I opened the fridge and just sat in front of it for awhile lol
This is really off topic but I want to suggest something to anyone who is suffering from lack of sleep, anxiety, low self of steam, low self confidence, depression and several other ailments.
A few month ago I stumbled across a hypnotherapist Glenn Herrold.
I'm always very skeptical and find that these recordings never really work.
Not with Glenn.
His recording are absolutely amazing and leave you feeling so good after.
You can find a lot of his stuff online (to purchase)
there's also several apps for those of you with iPads, iPhones and iPods.
Some of his apps are available for free and I suggest you give it a test run..
You will be pleasantly surprised.
Since my last blog post was basically just naked pictures, I thought I'd do an update.
Al and I are still living together and moving into a new apartment in September.
I can't wait to get out of here.
This place is a shit hole and the landlord doesn't give a fuck about anything.
On Saturday Al's dad will be moving in until we move in Sept.
Him and his woman broke up and since all the furniture is hers, we figured we would open our place too him.
I'm pretty excited about it, him and I get along really well..
and hearing him and Al bicker back and forth is always amusing.
On another note,
I really really really need to buy an air conditioner.
Fuck is it ever hot in this place..
especially since we only have 1 fan.
If it wasn't for the people who live upstairs walking around outside all the time I would totally just strut naked around my place.. although I have a feeling not even that would cool me down.
Today I opened the fridge and just sat in front of it for awhile lol
This is really off topic but I want to suggest something to anyone who is suffering from lack of sleep, anxiety, low self of steam, low self confidence, depression and several other ailments.
A few month ago I stumbled across a hypnotherapist Glenn Herrold.
I'm always very skeptical and find that these recordings never really work.
Not with Glenn.
His recording are absolutely amazing and leave you feeling so good after.
You can find a lot of his stuff online (to purchase)
there's also several apps for those of you with iPads, iPhones and iPods.
Some of his apps are available for free and I suggest you give it a test run..
You will be pleasantly surprised.
You know its hot when you are standing in front of the fridge to cool down lol.
Cheers, i am super productive. And i'm going to give one of his app's a go. Fucking anxiety.