Happy new years everyone!
I can't believe it's already 2012.
I don't really believe in all the hype about the end of the world,
but it will definitely be in the back of my mind Dec 21st 2012 (or is it 23rd, i don't know lol).
I'll be more freaked out in November 2012 because when i was in grade 2
i had the craziest dream ever.
I was driving into Toronto, and traffic was completely stopped with people getting out of their cars.
when I got out of my car, I saw tornadoes and lightning over toronto and moving towards me
i looked down and there was a news paper that I picked up and it said November ___ 2012
I can't remember the date since it was so long ago.. I think it was 11th.. or 13th.. maybe 15th..
somewhere in the teens.
This was way before all the talk about 2012 and it was so realistic that i told everyone about it
and i've never forgotten it.
So lets hope that my dream was just a dream.
I'm moving back to my home town, since there's no point in me living in Waterloo anymore
as i'm not going to school there.
Rent is way cheaper in my home town because it's not a student town
and the apartments are a lot nicer.
It will be awesome to be close to my family, I wont have to wait for weeks to see them.
I'm not sure when I'm moving yet though because I had to give 8 months notice
but i asked my landlord if i could move out sooner (8 months is insane)
and he said he would have to talk to his partner and get back to me.
I'm hoping for 4 months from now.
It will give me enough time to pack and find a nice place.
It's really exciting apartment hunting with Hal.
(Hal = Alan, that's my nickname for him )
When I was looking for this one, I was alone and wasn't expecting to be living with someone.
So it's nice that we're doing this together and will have both our names on the lease.
We're also going to open a joint bank account
so we don't have the issue of him always having to pay me back and several bank trips.
Plus we buy things together anyway and I know he's not going to go off and spend all our money.
OH AND.. A little off topic but.. funny as shit.
My brother just got an ipod touch that my dad loves using
my dad got confused between Hal's iphone and my brothers ipod
so he picked up Hal's iphone and his lock screen picture is the same as my display picture on SG
except with my tits showing lol
at first he thought it was just some sexy girl (because my brother always has naked girls on his stuff)
but then when he saw the tattoo he knew it was me.
He was screaming "OMG IVE BEEN MIND RAPED".
I thought he was going to throw up hahaha
Just thought I'd leave on a funny note.
Have a good new year guys!
Try not to get too drunk
I can't believe it's already 2012.
I don't really believe in all the hype about the end of the world,
but it will definitely be in the back of my mind Dec 21st 2012 (or is it 23rd, i don't know lol).
I'll be more freaked out in November 2012 because when i was in grade 2
i had the craziest dream ever.
I was driving into Toronto, and traffic was completely stopped with people getting out of their cars.
when I got out of my car, I saw tornadoes and lightning over toronto and moving towards me
i looked down and there was a news paper that I picked up and it said November ___ 2012
I can't remember the date since it was so long ago.. I think it was 11th.. or 13th.. maybe 15th..
somewhere in the teens.
This was way before all the talk about 2012 and it was so realistic that i told everyone about it
and i've never forgotten it.
So lets hope that my dream was just a dream.
I'm moving back to my home town, since there's no point in me living in Waterloo anymore
as i'm not going to school there.
Rent is way cheaper in my home town because it's not a student town
and the apartments are a lot nicer.
It will be awesome to be close to my family, I wont have to wait for weeks to see them.
I'm not sure when I'm moving yet though because I had to give 8 months notice
but i asked my landlord if i could move out sooner (8 months is insane)
and he said he would have to talk to his partner and get back to me.
I'm hoping for 4 months from now.
It will give me enough time to pack and find a nice place.
It's really exciting apartment hunting with Hal.
(Hal = Alan, that's my nickname for him )
When I was looking for this one, I was alone and wasn't expecting to be living with someone.
So it's nice that we're doing this together and will have both our names on the lease.
We're also going to open a joint bank account
so we don't have the issue of him always having to pay me back and several bank trips.
Plus we buy things together anyway and I know he's not going to go off and spend all our money.
OH AND.. A little off topic but.. funny as shit.
My brother just got an ipod touch that my dad loves using
my dad got confused between Hal's iphone and my brothers ipod
so he picked up Hal's iphone and his lock screen picture is the same as my display picture on SG
except with my tits showing lol
at first he thought it was just some sexy girl (because my brother always has naked girls on his stuff)
but then when he saw the tattoo he knew it was me.
He was screaming "OMG IVE BEEN MIND RAPED".
I thought he was going to throw up hahaha
Just thought I'd leave on a funny note.
Have a good new year guys!
Try not to get too drunk

8 months for a move out notice?
That's insane. That is funny about your dad grabbing your bf's iphone. 

im gonna drink extra for you !