soo, my account is probably going to expire soon
and since i'm a broke university student, i might not have enough money to spare to renew it.
if someone would like to renew my account for me, that would be awesome.
however, i know that is unlikely.
but i just wanna say when it does expire
i'm not gone for good.
i'll be back as soooooon as financially possible,
orrr when i get a free year from submitting a set.
Other than thaaatt,
I've been super busy with exams.. finals are a pain in the ass
so that's why i haven't been as active lately.
buuuut when that's all over i'll definitely be on a lot more..
and hopefully i'll have a new set out soon.
i haven't been in much contact with my photographer
my stupid iphone is a piece of shit.
it keeps freezing, and since my off button doesn't work I cant retart it
and have to wait for it to die before i can use it again
hopefully after christmas i'll have enough money to buy a new phone
oooooooooooor my mommy will buy me one (fingers crossed
I'm really planning on using my christmas money to finish my tattoo
it's been half done for almost a year now and will cost me another 600-800
and another 4-6 hours under the needle to finish.
i'm dying to finish it..
right now it looks like i have seaweed on my arm lol.
there's a little update for youu.
I have to go noww,
i have an exam in 4 hours.. and i have to study for 2 exams i have saturday
annnd finish two essays
annnnd pay my tuition for the winter semester
annnnnd email a class professor to try to get an over-ride to get in his class
annnnnnnd call my internet provider because they keep charging me $60 a month,
when it should be 29
aaaaaaaaaaaaand clean the house.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking stressful day.
i'll leave you with a picture that makes me laugh till i pee my panties everyy freaken time i see it.
i don't know what it is about it,
but i find it fucking hilarious.

and since i'm a broke university student, i might not have enough money to spare to renew it.
if someone would like to renew my account for me, that would be awesome.
however, i know that is unlikely.
but i just wanna say when it does expire
i'm not gone for good.
i'll be back as soooooon as financially possible,
orrr when i get a free year from submitting a set.

Other than thaaatt,
I've been super busy with exams.. finals are a pain in the ass
so that's why i haven't been as active lately.
buuuut when that's all over i'll definitely be on a lot more..
and hopefully i'll have a new set out soon.
i haven't been in much contact with my photographer
my stupid iphone is a piece of shit.
it keeps freezing, and since my off button doesn't work I cant retart it
and have to wait for it to die before i can use it again
hopefully after christmas i'll have enough money to buy a new phone
oooooooooooor my mommy will buy me one (fingers crossed

I'm really planning on using my christmas money to finish my tattoo
it's been half done for almost a year now and will cost me another 600-800
and another 4-6 hours under the needle to finish.
i'm dying to finish it..
right now it looks like i have seaweed on my arm lol.
there's a little update for youu.
I have to go noww,
i have an exam in 4 hours.. and i have to study for 2 exams i have saturday
annnd finish two essays
annnnd pay my tuition for the winter semester
annnnnd email a class professor to try to get an over-ride to get in his class
annnnnnnd call my internet provider because they keep charging me $60 a month,
when it should be 29
aaaaaaaaaaaaand clean the house.
fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuucking stressful day.
i'll leave you with a picture that makes me laugh till i pee my panties everyy freaken time i see it.
i don't know what it is about it,
but i find it fucking hilarious.

Kick those finals' collective asses!