It seems time for me to test out all my camping gear. I got invited with some friends to go, so why not, eh? It'll be interesting. I had to go out today and get a bunch of essentials that I didn't have. Amazing what little stuff you discover that you might need. And if I'm lucky, I get to go to a friend's party on Sat. Busybusy all the time it seems. Heh.
And a friend today ask me the best way to say he hated his employer and they were amoral and evil when putting why he wanted to leave his current employer on a job app. I think we decided on that the company was going in a different direction than he wanted and that he wanted a more compatible work environment. Wow business double speak is fun.
Oh, and if anyone cares, I alternate posting between here and on LJ. Draquani there as well.
And a friend today ask me the best way to say he hated his employer and they were amoral and evil when putting why he wanted to leave his current employer on a job app. I think we decided on that the company was going in a different direction than he wanted and that he wanted a more compatible work environment. Wow business double speak is fun.

Oh, and if anyone cares, I alternate posting between here and on LJ. Draquani there as well.
Hiya! Just wanted to sling a friend request your way, wanted to get to know some ATLiens a little better before the 11th!