Side note, in Austin! Trying to get settled and such. Wow, it's been awhile since I've had to find my way around a new town. Still, that's the way it goes! Cross fingers for me, off I go.
Taking a break, I think. In case anyone is curious, I'm going to wander off the site for a bit. Trying to deal with personal stuffs and the like. I might drop in later, we'll see. There is also the potential for a move here shortly, so I need to deal with Life. Catch you all on the flipside.
Yes, I still live. As per usual, updating other places instead of here. Been swamped with work, then went out of town for two weeks, and then back to being swamped with work. Heh, the way it goes.
The trip was to Europe, so I'm still doing that whole out of sorts thing after extensive travel. Backpacking is fun, but can drain your batteries....
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Yes, I still live. As per usual, updating other places instead of here. Been swamped with work, then went out of town for two weeks, and then back to being swamped with work. Heh, the way it goes.
The trip was to Europe, so I'm still doing that whole out of sorts thing after extensive travel. Backpacking is fun, but can drain your batteries....
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happy bday yo!
Happy birthday ya old bastard! ha

Wah! Holidays are always a time of being busy. Trips with family and all the other friend activities that abound. Trying to get back into the swing of things. And of course work has finally picked back up.
But yes, I am alive and around.
But yes, I am alive and around.

Eh, it's been awhile. Check me on livejournal if you want something slightly more current. Regardless. I seem to be doing well. JOb is steady and not too overly poor. Chilling with friends and the like. All good on the whole.
It was good to hang out with everyone tonight at the Xmas party. It was alot of fun! It was good to meet all...
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It was good to hang out with everyone tonight at the Xmas party. It was alot of fun! It was good to meet all...
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I didn't know you were on SG...
Hey man...we're having a late night NYE party over near where the atlien X mas party was.
Thanks to everyone who wished me a happy bday. It was an odd 'ol weekend, but entertaining. It was a shame that on Sat I ended up trying to distract a friend while his recently ex-girlfriend hung around and flirted with his best friend. Gotta love small circles with icky politics. Eh, what are friends for?
I gotsa work tonight and who knows when else...
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I gotsa work tonight and who knows when else...
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If the best friend didn't just tell her to piss off, maybe he needs a new best friend.
goodness you must be super busy. come out again when you get a chance, okay? lotsa summer bday parties to choose from
Blah. So I've not updated this thing in ages. It's not cause I dislike you people or anything. It's just that I've been too busy to even think for the last month or two. Business trip, working really weird hours. All of the above. Still, I thought I'd drop a note to let people know I am still alive and that sooner or later I...
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THX for Brzil, and Happy Birthday apperently
sorry I didn't get to meet you this weekend ! :/
All I can say, is that I hate being sick. This weekend was a blast. It was amusing to hang out at TeaSpace on Friday. I wonder if I'll end up on some student's film project. Sat was cool with the gang at the Highlander. I at least know where it is now. And I luckily got out to play some frisbee in the park...
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Apologies for missing the after-theatre party... Tore up & tired makes not a partygoer of me.
We'll catch you next time tho.
We'll catch you next time tho.
WTF ARE YOU!!??!?!