Let me dust this space of mine off that nobody really gives a shit about.

I've been holding advancing at work due to my intelligent self passing the PA test. Well, me and 7000 others so either I'm smart or that test was fucking stupid. Ok, the latter for sure.

Anyhoo, I can't wait for that to pan out and gotta make this move that...
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This sleet and freezing rain shit blows, especially since it's the second time in 3 days now this shit has come down.

I miss the days of just straight up snow.

Damnit, the first cold of the winter has just kicked me in the nuts. eeek
i fell on my ass in the middle of broadway in soho today because of a patch of black ice.

i fucking hate winter sometimes.

Being the pillar, the one who always tells everyone everything is alright, where is anyone now that I need someone to tell me all is well?

I need a phone that will enable me to send coherent text messages when I am drunk.

Or maybe I should be removed from technology when drunk.

Hey, don't touch my beer!
So tonight I was out watching football and everyone I was with left after the Colts game. The bar had an irish guy doing random songs with his guitar which was great but I felt a sudden weakness. The key of the song, the leaving of the friends, the sudden isolation all got to me. Then the memory kicked in. Sure it's been 2 years...
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Holy shit have I gotten around. This month I've been to New Jersey (home) NY, VT, NH, MA, CT, MN, MT, ID, WA.
So many states I didn't feel like typing them the hell out.

I kinda like getting out there. It reminds me how much I hate it out here.
excuse me, did you say something? i couldn't hear it over the red sox sweeping the rockies back to denver from fenway.
I need more hours in the day to fit some time in for sleep. The whole 5 hour or so of sleep before work just isnt working lately at all.

Fuck, I just want to stay in bed.
yeah, of course craigslist was the first place i went. i even expanded beyond the 5 boroughs and into hoboken and jersey city.

ugh, i'm never leaving here.

Ugg the damn download for HL2:2 is taking for fucking ever.

I'm watching this Ghost Hunter show on Scifi right now and it's like a trainwreck. It's so retarded and tacky but I can't stop watching it.
those ghosthunting things are scary as fuck when you're listening to coast to coast am at 2 in the morn and you're laying in bed in the dark and the host is playing ghost talking tapes.
So I'm home after 2 weeks of wandering the random dirt roads of Washington, Idaho and Montana.

God I hate living out here, I want shit like that in my backyard.