On a lighter note.. I have a bellydance performance this weekend that I'm excited about.
Its a performance for an art gathering... where they are displaying pieces of art for people to look at all weekend, and dance night is on Saturday. That's where I come in. Wish me luck! I hope i don't fall on my face
Also, myself and 3 other girls are forming a belly dance troupe. I think we will name ourselves Umbra, and we're going to copy right that, so don't steal it or I'm coming after you with a lawyer.
What else? hm.. here is a list of shows coming up if you locals wish to attend and support da bellydance!
March 19, 2009
Bellydance Superstars presents The Art of Bellydance
8pm (doors open @ 7)
Belcourt Theater
March 19 - March 22, 2009
Spring Celebration
Bohemian Sanctuary
Performance Schedule
March 21, 2009
Spring Celebration @ 8pm
Performers: Allison & Danielle (Duet), Allison & Jenyfer (Duet), Gypsy Sistars
Bohemian Sanctuary
April 18, 2009
Hafla (held by Gwyn of Bodhicitta) @ 7-10pm
Performers: Allison & Danielle (Duet) (among other beautiful dancers)
Venue TBA
April 24 & 25, 2009
MTSU Performing Arts Company (MPAC) Showcase @ 7-9pm
Performers: Danielle & Abby (Choreographers), Allison, Jenyfer, Janet, Shawna, Ashley B, Melody, Arnetta, & Others
Tucker Theater (MTSU Campus)
May 2, 2009
WhizBang (Bellydance Night)
Performers: Allison, Bodhicitta, Linda, Zeebeebah
Place and Time TBA
Also, here is a video of our latest performance, I am the one in the tuxedo looking outfit.
xo D
And here is my newest new performance... this was @ the Spring Bash on May 21st
And some pics from said show:

My mommy and I

Also, here is me getting ready for the Bellydance Superstar show

Also, myself and 3 other girls are forming a belly dance troupe. I think we will name ourselves Umbra, and we're going to copy right that, so don't steal it or I'm coming after you with a lawyer.

March 19, 2009
Bellydance Superstars presents The Art of Bellydance
8pm (doors open @ 7)
Belcourt Theater
March 19 - March 22, 2009
Spring Celebration
Bohemian Sanctuary
Performance Schedule
March 21, 2009
Spring Celebration @ 8pm
Performers: Allison & Danielle (Duet), Allison & Jenyfer (Duet), Gypsy Sistars
Bohemian Sanctuary
April 18, 2009
Hafla (held by Gwyn of Bodhicitta) @ 7-10pm
Performers: Allison & Danielle (Duet) (among other beautiful dancers)
Venue TBA
April 24 & 25, 2009
MTSU Performing Arts Company (MPAC) Showcase @ 7-9pm
Performers: Danielle & Abby (Choreographers), Allison, Jenyfer, Janet, Shawna, Ashley B, Melody, Arnetta, & Others
Tucker Theater (MTSU Campus)
May 2, 2009
WhizBang (Bellydance Night)
Performers: Allison, Bodhicitta, Linda, Zeebeebah
Place and Time TBA
Also, here is a video of our latest performance, I am the one in the tuxedo looking outfit.
xo D
And here is my newest new performance... this was @ the Spring Bash on May 21st
And some pics from said show:

My mommy and I

Also, here is me getting ready for the Bellydance Superstar show

Good point! I just won't mention to my wife that I've seen you naked...
thanks for your friendship doll