'Ello Lovelies!
Last night... I sent my new set into Staff review. And if it doesn't get accepted there, I was hoping to enter it into the photoshop contest for Nov, but I've heard that MR is already backed up to Decemeber... so I guess that was a useless effort.
But either way, I am happy we finally finished it. My photographer and I have been working our little asses off on it. I didn't want to leave any loose ends this time and I wanted it to be perfect... so we shall see. I'm keeping my fingers crossed real tight!
Last night my lover and I had a nice night on the town.
It was good to get out of the house! I feel like I've been so cooped up lately. It makes me alittle crazy...
Last night... I sent my new set into Staff review. And if it doesn't get accepted there, I was hoping to enter it into the photoshop contest for Nov, but I've heard that MR is already backed up to Decemeber... so I guess that was a useless effort.

Last night my lover and I had a nice night on the town.

It was good to get out of the house! I feel like I've been so cooped up lately. It makes me alittle crazy...

thanks for your sweet comment on Virginia Woolf

yah for the new set I hope it gets accepted. Love ya hone