Well, I'm not pink yet. This makes me sad, but life has been pretty shitty lately anyway. So... nothing new. I'm not happy, and I'm not sad... I'm just blah. School started this week. That sucks. I'm really getting to the point where I hate MTSU- Middle Tennessee State Unniversity. Parking sucks. The campus is very over populated and we're all squeezed in there like sardeens. Its starting to feel more like a caddle ranch then a Unniversity. I'm glad I will be graduating in 2 years. It can't come soon enough. But in the mean time... I'm broke... and kinda lost. Because I can't do what I really want to do until after I graduate.. so for now.. I have a shitty job... and no money for food. Yea life! *note the sarcasm please* Another crappy thing happened. My kitty Jazmyne recently had kittens (not the crappy thing)... but one of them died. I nursed this kitten with a bottle and I sat up with it at night... I was really very upset when I came in to check on the little thing.. to find it dead. I cried. Alot. Anyway, we had a little funeral for it the same day. I made a coffin and put kitty food in there for it.. and I gave it a name so it would have one when it went to kitty heaven. Its name was Nurple. I buried it on our land out in the bum-fuck area of Tn. I put her under my favorite tree. It was raining when we buried her. I guess the weather sorta matched how I was feeling at the time though. It was very upsetting. So we drank a beer for Nurple and then went for a depressing meal at a Chinese Buffet. This week has sucked. Pretty much.
That is all.
Ps. Another set coming soon.
That is all.
Ps. Another set coming soon.

and thank you for the support beautiful...you will always have mine as well. we can do it!!!