Ten Reasons why I would make a GREAT SG:
1. I enjoy being naked... alot.
2. Even more important, I look good naked. (tehe)
3. I love my boobs, and I think you will too.
4. I'm fucking crazy! I may not look it at a first glance, but look again.
5. I have a big ego... and am always infront of a camera.
6. I'd masterbate to me.
7. I'm unique in all ways!
8. After I get the money.. I'm going to get tattoos like crazy. Can't wait!
9. I'm a girl next door with a mother fucking attitude! lol
10. I don't take shit from any one!
So, with that said. Please make my dreams come true and help me become PINK.
"Antique"- Up in Member Review:

1. I enjoy being naked... alot.
2. Even more important, I look good naked. (tehe)
3. I love my boobs, and I think you will too.
4. I'm fucking crazy! I may not look it at a first glance, but look again.
5. I have a big ego... and am always infront of a camera.
6. I'd masterbate to me.
7. I'm unique in all ways!
8. After I get the money.. I'm going to get tattoos like crazy. Can't wait!
9. I'm a girl next door with a mother fucking attitude! lol
10. I don't take shit from any one!
So, with that said. Please make my dreams come true and help me become PINK.

"Antique"- Up in Member Review:

Don't worry I can hook up to be a SG because....
I know people that know people that know people that know people that know people.
Acutually I don't you're my only friend. I hope someday you become a Suicide Girl!
I really do and yes I'll dream about you!