There are times in your life when your not quite sure where to go next. I've been in one of these moments... not knowing where to turn or what to do. I'm still in college, but settling on a major is one of the hardest decisions that I've ever had to make. I'm kind of working... I sell Avon! A gothique/punk Avon Lady... lol. Anyone want any Avon? haha.. I have a website. Its
Anyway, I'm also cleaning houses. I'm an Avon selling maid. Weird. Other than that, I'm pretty lost. I'v decided to major in business. I thought that no matter what I decided to do with my life that a major in buisness would help me. I dunno. Everyone says that it was a good decision.... *shrug* So here I am sitting at my computer thinking... "what the hell am I going to do?" So I revisit my Suicide Girl hopeful home page... I haven't been here in a while. And I finally reinspire myself to go back and start persuing this dream. The dream where I get to model and be naked on the internet!!!! I can't wait. A new set has beem submitted ... we'll see what happens.
Here's resent pic me. I've gained some weight, but I'm still hot!

Here's resent pic me. I've gained some weight, but I'm still hot!

thank you so much ox