One fucked up situation
After the next
Why do I have to be
So damn crazy?
Fuck it
This doesn't make any sence
Just the rambles of a crazy bitch
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why do I always have to be so sad...
Is this what I deserve...
Constantly beating myself into the dirt?
There I go again
Sticking the knife deeper in
Fucking the wound that brought me here.
Slicing it open like I don't care
Why can't I learn to trust?
And to just shut the voices up
Fucking voices in my head
They won't go away
Keep playing with me
And soon you'll be dead
What the hell is wrong with me
One would think that I'm
alittle bit
After the next
Why do I have to be
So damn crazy?
Fuck it
This doesn't make any sence
Just the rambles of a crazy bitch
What the hell is wrong with me?
Why do I always have to be so sad...
Is this what I deserve...
Constantly beating myself into the dirt?
There I go again
Sticking the knife deeper in
Fucking the wound that brought me here.
Slicing it open like I don't care
Why can't I learn to trust?
And to just shut the voices up
Fucking voices in my head
They won't go away
Keep playing with me
And soon you'll be dead
What the hell is wrong with me
One would think that I'm
alittle bit

Sondheim brings out the arsehole in most people, at least that's my experience
How are you doing? Have you shot another set yet?