Commence Operation: Drive Away
situation : personal vehicle repossessed after entering the last couple thousand dollar balance of payment(not due TIL july of 05!) on the eve of important job interview.
mission : obtain sum asked by anally retentive company by week's end and leave with car, otherwise, its sold to private buyer.
objective alpha : prime directive is to arrive at depot and proceed with extraction of numerous 'audio data' - most being top secret and hard to find.
objective beta : proceed with obtaining total amount and 'buying back' automobile.
time from departure to return : seven days
situation : personal vehicle repossessed after entering the last couple thousand dollar balance of payment(not due TIL july of 05!) on the eve of important job interview.
mission : obtain sum asked by anally retentive company by week's end and leave with car, otherwise, its sold to private buyer.
objective alpha : prime directive is to arrive at depot and proceed with extraction of numerous 'audio data' - most being top secret and hard to find.
objective beta : proceed with obtaining total amount and 'buying back' automobile.
time from departure to return : seven days
Even this picture freaked me out go figure....