Tralalalalala So more work and more work.....the job is getting to me, don't get me wrong the money is good but the damn thing is about as dead end as it gets. So I am standing with a bachelor degree, a thesis away from my masters, not knowing what do to with myself. I have a honest job, with good comrades but as mentioned work...
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Well another week stands to dawn tomorrow with the usual shit, of work and boredom, hmmm. Fuck it, I don't want this to become another moaning session. Lets change the subject, what did I do this weekend. Well lets see saturday I work 6 hours of overtime, scoring a nice amount of money. I then went home to encounter the frustration of not being able...
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Well I just have come home from a massive concert experence. I just HammerFall (Norway), Accept (Germany), Slayer (USA) and Finally my personal favorite Rammstein (germany) That was a great experience Rammstein were fucking brilliant, they kicked ass. Slayer were good too, I digged it, Accept wasen't great, HammerFall was better then I expected. I would like to endorse all of Rammstein albums if you...
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a place were roads intersect in different directions my life stands at a current crossroad, I stand questioning my desire to complet my graduate studies, my current worklife, my career, personal life.
det er de fleste.
I have just begun to wonder why I am I actually writing this and for whom. That is an interesting question that I won't try and answer given that it really doesn't matter. I am doing this for me, yahh. That's it. Fuck it. Anyway work was boring and I am still looking for a picture for my new tattoo Idea hmm. Must continue the...
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I have entered the contemplation phase of my next tattoo, this is a reacurring factor of getting a tattoo for me, broken down it goes like this,

1. decide to get one, usually impulsive
2. spend anytime from 20 min. to 2 years deciding which one to get, contemplating meaning, image, placement, size etc.
3. typical procastination, being a lazy bastard that I am
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Well now after surfing past this page several times I have finally gotten the stone to check it out in more depth. So here I am and so far I am loving it, lovely girls, interesting people, if you guy perfect a way for beer to come out of my disc drive then hey I would never leave. Now before any of you get worried...
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