I have little or nothing relevant to say therefore I haven't updated this for a damn long time. But if anyone cares I haven't started my paper, I have in fact dropped out of school. I don't feel like it any more. That is all for now I will seek to update more often from now on.

Well as of today I no longer a menial wage slave but I am a part time worker Full time student again. After a 6 month absence with a mind numbing job. Now ahead I have a battle, dare I say an epic battle to fight with my thesis. I am working on my masters, and I need to seriously need to get my shit...
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Octoberfest is at T - 14 hours and counting, Holy mother fuck am i looking forward to it. I Intend to get massively shitfaced 3 days straight In the original home of the October fest Munchen, Germany. So tomorrow I fly to Bavaria with my brother and a crew of viking intend on taking the Lvenbrau tent with storm. We will make our ancestors proud....
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Well got some kinda of shit news today, given that I have a contract with the company that i work for they would like it if I changed my hours, part -time from full time- at the 30 of september instead of the 19th that I had originaly arranged with my boss well that Gives me 5 more work day before I can concentrate fully...
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Well got some kinda of shit news today, given that I have a contract with the company that i work for they would like it if I changed my hours, part -time from full time- at the 30 of september instead of the 19th that I had originaly arranged with my boss well that Gives me 5 more work day before I can concentrate fully...
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Well got some kinda of shit news today, given that I have a contract with the company that i work for they would like it if I changed my hours, part -time from full time- at the 30 of september instead of the 19th that I had originaly arranged with my boss well that Gives me 5 more work day before I can concentrate fully...
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So there another week of full time work to complete before I can go part time and restart work on my thesis. The weekend will suck though since the company has status, so we have to count everything in our 4,000 sq. meter warehouse, every single goddamn thing, shit. That will suck, I will be at work for over 12 hours from 6 morning to...
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