Well an update would be an understatement, I would calll this more of an attempt to justify this subscribtion to SG as more then just me having access to some of the hottest women on the planet.
I never grew up to be much of an "internet" child I never blogged much, or sent many emails god knows I never chatted much. I always was best up close and personal. Now given this I try to update things if anything just to help me get my thoughts straight. so were am I now.
I work for a very large american coperation. I have just recieved my first promotion if you will, I am well liked and am working on my long term goal in a progressive and established route. I honestly feel alot more focused then ever before.
I never grew up to be much of an "internet" child I never blogged much, or sent many emails god knows I never chatted much. I always was best up close and personal. Now given this I try to update things if anything just to help me get my thoughts straight. so were am I now.
I work for a very large american coperation. I have just recieved my first promotion if you will, I am well liked and am working on my long term goal in a progressive and established route. I honestly feel alot more focused then ever before.