I think Zeppelin knows I'm leaving. He's been doing things to me in an effort to thwart my attempts to flee the country. Yesterday he ate my rice bowl. You say dude, get another rice bowl, but nah man. I'm rationing this shit out. I have a kilo of rice, a kilo of basa filets, and a little less than a kilo of meat which is going to last me a month in my "I have to save money for my return to California" scheme. Zeppelin knows this and his goal is to either steal the rice or sad eyes a significant portion of my winter stores away from me. If I'm too weak and feeble to move, I can't pack my bags.
Today he's trying to cripple me. He's going for the double pronged attack. A siege of starvation combined with permanent maiming. How? He takes every opportunity to fall asleep on my legs. This is especially dangerous at night, where while I lay completely unconscious he tries to stop the flow of blood to my lower extremities. Eventually, they'll just turn black and fall off. He's only got a month or so to accomplish this, but that's ages in puppy time. If I can't walk, I can't go to California.
Today he's trying to cripple me. He's going for the double pronged attack. A siege of starvation combined with permanent maiming. How? He takes every opportunity to fall asleep on my legs. This is especially dangerous at night, where while I lay completely unconscious he tries to stop the flow of blood to my lower extremities. Eventually, they'll just turn black and fall off. He's only got a month or so to accomplish this, but that's ages in puppy time. If I can't walk, I can't go to California.