Went to Mardi Gras over the weekend. It was a blast. I showed off my boobs and shook my booty and got plenty of beads. I also got totally trashed on several occasions. Our weekend's adventures included my buddy waking up in the middle of the night and taking off his clothes cuz he had to pee. Well he peed all over his pants and the floor of the hotel. As he was doing it our conversation went something like. keep in m
Jody: what's that noise
Jeff: It's trent, he's peeing
Jody: (refusing to roll over to see what's going on) hey trent we have a bathroom you know
Trent: uh huh *wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jody: well you gonna use it?
Trent: mumble mumble mumble *wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
and the wizzing went on a good long time after. He goes back to sleep butt ass naked and sharing the bed with our 4rth friend who shall remain nameless for reasons having to do with honor. He got to wake up with a naked man snuggling very close to him. Needless to say the rest of the day he slept on the floor.

in the car

drinkin' the mother of all beers

trent drinkin 1 of 3 that night

trent post urinating on the floor

different angle

blow up doll advertising good times

my collection after a long night of drinking and flashin my boobs
Jody: what's that noise
Jeff: It's trent, he's peeing
Jody: (refusing to roll over to see what's going on) hey trent we have a bathroom you know
Trent: uh huh *wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Jody: well you gonna use it?
Trent: mumble mumble mumble *wizzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
and the wizzing went on a good long time after. He goes back to sleep butt ass naked and sharing the bed with our 4rth friend who shall remain nameless for reasons having to do with honor. He got to wake up with a naked man snuggling very close to him. Needless to say the rest of the day he slept on the floor.

in the car

drinkin' the mother of all beers

trent drinkin 1 of 3 that night

trent post urinating on the floor

different angle

blow up doll advertising good times

my collection after a long night of drinking and flashin my boobs
I love moo stashes!!!