I'm considering doing a BDSM shoot for my next SG set....what are your thoughts on that?
I don't really know how this community feels about it, but it's something that I really enjoy, and I really do love any chance to get my ass beaten up ;)
What would you want to see in a BDSM shoot? Action shots? Beatings in progress? A pre-thought out scene? Bruises? My gasps of pain/pleasure? More of my butt? (Well, duh...who doesn't want to see that?)
Also, how cool would it be to see a BDSM shoot as set of the day? I know I would love it ;)
Anyway, give me your thoughts! If there's enough interest, I will TOTALLY DO IT! :D Pass this post along to your friends too, I want to hear all the voices that want to see this! <3
Much love!
(pictured is the aftermath of one of my very first beatings! :D )