ok so my situation has become almost hopeless
I found out i cant take classes this semister unless i pay aalmost $2,000 to the school. unfortunately i dont have $2,000 to pay so i guess i'm taking a break this semister. Havent told daddy yet.....he's gonna either yell or be "disapointed" (which is way worse than yelling). I may end up having to file bankruptcy thanks to student loans that i'm not ready to pay off yet, and if i do that i might as well pick up and go to cali. but i'm also thinking about transferring to annother local 4-year (OW...it just changed over from a 2 year to a four year) in Ft Walton and going for a religious studies degree.
either way, chris and i want to stay together. we were also mentioning (not really seriously) transferring to UF and staying w/ his mom until we find a place
until then though, i guess i just have to play things by ear
I found out i cant take classes this semister unless i pay aalmost $2,000 to the school. unfortunately i dont have $2,000 to pay so i guess i'm taking a break this semister. Havent told daddy yet.....he's gonna either yell or be "disapointed" (which is way worse than yelling). I may end up having to file bankruptcy thanks to student loans that i'm not ready to pay off yet, and if i do that i might as well pick up and go to cali. but i'm also thinking about transferring to annother local 4-year (OW...it just changed over from a 2 year to a four year) in Ft Walton and going for a religious studies degree.
either way, chris and i want to stay together. we were also mentioning (not really seriously) transferring to UF and staying w/ his mom until we find a place
until then though, i guess i just have to play things by ear

Damn the schools loans sukn up the monies!! I know I have some. And damn the books!! Why make a book use the cd and if you remove the cd you can't sell back the book! I mean What the FUK?!?! Oh well atleast I have some refence material huh? 

hope everything works out for ya hun, best wishes