I picked up a table today when I got to work...it was just a single old lady. She started talking to me about her marriage and life and stuff...........she was married 61 years to a man that tried to kill her, put her in the hospital on numerous occasions and cheated on her every chance he could. 61 fucking years of that bullshit! She told me that it's a woman's job to keep the marriage together under the worst of circumstances. She also lectured me on acting like a lady, and that her daughter sued her son in law for child support.....and that was "wrong" of her to do.....wtf???? So women are supposed to be slaves? We're supposed to cook and clean....pretend to be happy and take beatings and bullshit from the man she trusts enough to bring in to her life her home? If her husband lifts a hand toward her, is she not supposed to deffend herself??? Is she supposed to just sit there and take it, and let her children witness all of this? And if he leaves her for annother woman....is she supposed to just wither away and wish he would come back?? How is she supposed to take care of her children without his support if he never let her have a job of her own?? SO a woman is supposed to just be a tropy wife?? Be good to look at and to entertain, but nothing more??? What hurts more about this whole thing.....it was a WOMAN who was telling me to be a trophy wife, to quit my job and find a good husband. A woman who's had all of this happen to her throughout the 61 years she spent with this husband.....a woman who said a woman needed to be strong to keep the marriage together!!!!! A woman who was put into the hospital by her 89-yr-old husband in December before he died in january!!!!! Being a trophy wife!!!! Annother excuse for slavery.....we're never gonna change.....humans are always gonna have slavery in some shape or form....first it was based on wealth....the nobles used the surfs as slave labor........then on race.....the whites inslaved the blacks etc.............now on sex.....men are inslaving women...and brainwashing us into taking it lying down........thinking its the way things should be...the way we are supposed to act.....that we're not to show off too much skin or that we're not supposed to so much as think for ourselves.......this is a very sad day for me............after talking to this lady for an hour....i seriously started crying AT WORK cause i felt hopeless and trapped. Will things ever change?
i am not denying that there are still "good ol boys" out there but i certainly am not one and anyone who treats women with disrespect around me or my friends is in for the asswhoopin of a lifetime and trust me there are more of us than there are of them just they happen to get more media