Ok....Last night was FUCKING AWESOME! I havent goten waisted in so long. After work, some of my coworkers wanted to drink, and I said "come over to my place...i have some rum and if u give me some money i'll get some taquila too" so Calaie and i went to the store and everyone came over.....we smoked a few bowls and drank a bunch!! It was totally fun!
now to the shitty part.....
Worked a double yesterday.....went to work this morning...11am....didnt have a hangover..but i didnt feel like eating anything so i had an empty stomach. We were fucking slammed! I also had the WORST sidework EVER!! I had to restock the walk-in cooler AND the reach-in cooler!!! that shit takes forever! so i'm supposed to get off work at like 3....well....4 comes along and i'm just getting to where i can start cleaning up my tables and i havent even started on the sidework yet.....Heather's little ass comes in and bitches at me. She's the server that's supposed to be taking over my section....she's bitching about not being able to have any customers cause there are still people at the tables and they're not clean...etc etc etc......i've been working my ass off all fucking morning...and she bitches at me for something i can't really do anything about....bitch...when I stayed late last night doing HER sidework cause she "had to leave".....i finally get off work at 5....still havent eaten anything.....and i have to clean my apartment cause of the party...so that sucks....but atleast i had a good time last night right? Now i have to work annother double tomorrow......suck!
now to the shitty part.....
Worked a double yesterday.....went to work this morning...11am....didnt have a hangover..but i didnt feel like eating anything so i had an empty stomach. We were fucking slammed! I also had the WORST sidework EVER!! I had to restock the walk-in cooler AND the reach-in cooler!!! that shit takes forever! so i'm supposed to get off work at like 3....well....4 comes along and i'm just getting to where i can start cleaning up my tables and i havent even started on the sidework yet.....Heather's little ass comes in and bitches at me. She's the server that's supposed to be taking over my section....she's bitching about not being able to have any customers cause there are still people at the tables and they're not clean...etc etc etc......i've been working my ass off all fucking morning...and she bitches at me for something i can't really do anything about....bitch...when I stayed late last night doing HER sidework cause she "had to leave".....i finally get off work at 5....still havent eaten anything.....and i have to clean my apartment cause of the party...so that sucks....but atleast i had a good time last night right? Now i have to work annother double tomorrow......suck!
wow that does suk. I hate it when people bitch about thing they or you have no control over. It's like what fuk do you want me to do about ??? I haven't gotten drunk/high in a long ass time cuz everyone is dry and I just don't feel like drinking by myself of well.
that's why i believe in shooting people.